On September 11, 1901, A. J. Tomlinson wrote in his Journal, “I am so wonderfully burdened with a desire to go on to Shiloh, Maine at once.”
The Church of God did not begin to show an active interest in New England until the 1920s, yet here is evidence of Tomlinson's early connection with the region.
He had been to Durham, Maine prior to his 1901 journal entry to participate in Frank Sandford's "The Holy Ghost and Us Bible School" at a place called "Shiloh." This was several years prior to him becoming a member of the Holiness Church at Camp Creek--the group that would eventually become known as the Church of God. Although Sandford's ministry would soon become quite controversial, at this point Shiloh was a significant factor in Tomlinson's formation.
The beginnings of a chronology on Tomlinson's New England connection follows:
- 1890-1893 (?). Frank Sandford accepted teaching on sanctification and divine healing through his contact with the Christian Alliance at Old Orchard. [Source: Stanley M. Burgess and Gary B. McGee, eds., Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1988), 766-767.]
- 1897. A. J. Tomlinson was baptized by a man named Gleason in the state of Maine. [Source: Burgess and McGee, 1988, 847.]
- July 25, 1901. A. J. Tomlinson stated in his journal, “I dare not go back on the teaching I received at Shiloh.” [Source: Tomlinson, Journal of Happenings.]
- September 11, 1901. A. J. Tomlinson wrote, “I am so wonderfully burdened with a desire to go on to Shiloh, Maine at once.” [Source: Tomlinson, Journal of Happenings.]
- September 13, 1901. A. J. Tomlinson wrote, “I have reached a decision to go on to Shiloh, Maine as soon as I am from here.” [Source: Tomlinson, Journal of Happenings.]
- September 22, 1901. A. J. Tomlinson wrote, “My birthday finds me on the Atlantic Ocean aboard the S. S. Howard speeding away toward Boston, bound for Shiloh, Maine.” [Source: Tomlinson, Journal of Happenings.]
- September 24, 1901. On September 24, 1901, A. J. Tomlinson arrived at Shiloh. [Source: Tomlinson, Journal of Happenings.]
- October 1, 1901. A. J. Tomlinson was baptized by Frank Sandford in the Androscoggin River “into the Church of the Living God for the evangelization of the world, gathering of Israel, new order of things at the close of the Gentile age.” [Source: Tomlinson, Journal of Happenings.]
- October 5, 1901. From Shiloh A. J. Tomlinson wrote, “I had victory for our work in the South, and I feel that I must return there soon in the power and authority of the Almighty God.” [Source: Tomlinson, Journal of Happenings.]
- October 8, 1901. A. J. Tomlinson left Shiloh for the South. [Source: Tomlinson, Journal of Happenings.]
- June 13, 1903. A. J. Tomlinson was ordained as a minister of the Holiness Church at Camp Creek, North Carolina. [Source: Tomlinson, Journal of Happenings.]